A settlement has been reached in a whistleblower class action lawsuit brought against nine hospitals located in Alabama, Indiana, Florida, Michigan, South Carolina, New York and Minnesota. They are accused of submitting false claims to Medicare.
The settling facilities and the amount being paid by each to the United States are Ball Memorial Hospital, Muncie, Ind. ($1,995,431); Bethesda Memorial Hospital, Boynton Beach, Fla. ($356,079); Bloomington Hospital, Bloomington, Ind. ($1,443,848); Genesys Regional Medical Center, Grand Blanc, Mich. ($931,742); Huntsville Hospital, dba The Health Care Authority of the City of Huntsville, Huntsville, Ala. ($1,992,756); Palmetto Health dba Palmetto Health Baptist Hospital, Columbia, S.C. ($1,861,083.14); St. Elizabeth Medical Center, Utica, N.Y. ($195,976); St. Mary’s of Michigan Hospital, Saginaw, Mich. ($260,065.21); and United Hospital, St. Paul, Minn. ($428,656). The whistleblowers will receive approximately $1.5 million as their share of the settlement proceeds.
The original whistleblower case was filed against multiple facilities and filed in 2008. The United States specifically alleged that these nine hospitals overcharged Medicare between 2000 and 2008 when performing kyphoplasty, a minimally-invasive procedure used to treat certain spinal fractures that often are due to osteoporosis. In many cases, the procedure can be performed safely as a less costly out-patient procedure, but the government contends that the hospitals performed the procedure on an in-patient basis in order to increase their Medicare billings.
The settlement with these facilities follows the settlements that the government reached in May and September 2009 with nine other hospitals for alleged kyphoplasty-related Medicare fraud claims, as well as the government’s May 2008 settlement with Medtronic Spine LLC, corporate successor to Kyphon Inc. Medtronic Spine paid $75 million to settle allegations that the company defrauded Medicare by counseling hospital providers to perform kyphoplasty procedures as an in-patient procedure, even though in many cases the minimally-invasive procedure should have been done on an out-patient basis.