A settlement has been reached to resolve False Claims Act Allegations against Beazer Homes USA Inc. They are accused of fraudulent mortgage origination activities in connection with federally insured mortgages.
According to the agreement, Beazer will pay $5 million dollars, plus contingent payments of up to $48 million dollars to be shared with victimized private homeowners.
The federal government alleged that when Beazer Mortgage Corp made Federal Housing Administration (FHA) insured mortgage loans for the purchase of homes built by Beazer Homes USA Inc., the companies fraudulently and improperly: 1) required purchasers to pay "interest discount points" at closing, but then kept the cash and failed to reduce interest rates; 2) provided cash "gifts" to home purchasers through certain charities, so purchasers could come up with minimum required down payments, with assurances the "gifts" would not have to be repaid, and then increased home purchase prices to offset the amount of the gifts; 3) obscured which of its branches made defaulting mortgage loans to avoid FHA detection of excessive default rates, and; 4) ignored "stated income" requirements in making loans to unqualified purchasers.
As a consequence, unqualified home buyers were induced to enter into FHA insured mortgages, interest rates for and the amount of FHA insured mortgages were improperly inflated, and Beazer Mortgage branches involved in fraudulent activity were hidden from the FHA. In some instances, mortgages that resulted from these fraudulent activities defaulted. When they did so, holders of the loans made FHA mortgage insurance claims and the FHA was wrongfully required to pay inflated claims, and to pay for the management, maintenance, rehabilitation and marketing of defaulted properties.