A settlement has been reached in a whistleblower class action lawsuit brought against Dr. Todd J. Scarbrough and Melbourne Internal Medicine Associates P.A. (MIMA), who are accused of submitting false claims to Medicare and the military’s health care program - TRICARE.
The whistleblower will receive $2.64 million of the settlement.
The case was originally filed in July 2008. The United States alleged MIMA Cancer Center had defrauded the federal health care programs by improperly inflating claims through various schemes specifically designed to cloak the fraudulent practices. In particular, the MIMA Cancer Center billed for services not supervised, duplicate and unnecessary services, services not rendered and upcoded services - a practice in which provider services are billed for higher procedure codes than were actually performed. The United States’ investigation found that MIMA executives had knowledge of a substantial number of the fraudulent billing practices at the facility, but had failed to stop the fraudulent billing.