A Nebraska audit discovered that Planned Parenthood used federal tax dollars in 2015 to illegally fund its abortion practices.
According to reports, Charlie Janssen a Nebraska state auditor revealed that Planned Parenthood of the Heartland misused approximately $3,500 in public money for physician fees, staff salaries and pathology work connected to placental and fetal tissue.
Auditors report stated, a single payment of $1,970 went towards physician fees, $1,260 in pathology expenditures related to what Planned Parenthood called “products of conception”, $255 in travel reimbursements that were not consistent with time sheets and “appeared related to abortion services” and $52 for two hours of on-call time paid to a clinic manager related to abortion services.
Federal law prohibits federal family planning program funds to be used for abortions. Planned Parenthood of the Heartland blamed a coding error for the misuse of funds, and said they are taking steps to fix the problem.