A settlement has been reached in a criminal lawsuit brought against Maxim Healthcare Services Inc who is accused of defrauding Medicaid programs and the Veterans Affairs program of more than $61 million.
The settlement requires payment of approximately $130 million to Medicaid programs and the Veterans Affairs program to resolve False Claims Act liability for false home healthcare billings to Medicaid programs and the Veterans Administration under civil agreements relating to this matter. Maxim has agreed to pay a criminal penalty of $20 million.
The settlement resolves allegations that Maxim billed for services that were not rendered, services that were not properly documented, and services performed by 13 unlicensed offices. Maxim has agreed to pay approximately $70 million to the federal government and approximately $60 million to 42 states.
The whistleblower will receive approximately $15.4 million as his share of the recoveries from the federal government and the states.
The criminal complaint, filed in September 2011, accuses Maxim, a privately-held company based in Columbia, Md., with hundreds of offices throughout the United States, of submitting more than $61 million in fraudulent billings to government health care programs for services not rendered or otherwise not reimbursable. The investigation revealed that the submission of false bills to government health care programs was a common practice at Maxim from 2003 through 2009. During that time period, Maxim received more than $2 billion in reimbursements from government health care programs in 43 states based on billings submitted by Maxim.
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