A $762 Million settlement has been reached with Amgen Inc to resolve criminal and civil liability arising from its sale and promotion of certain drugs and illegally introducing a misbranded drug into interstate commerce.
Under the terms of the criminal plea agreement, Amgen will pay a criminal fine of $136 million and criminal forfeiture in the amount of $14 million. As part of the civil settlement, Amgen has agreed to pay $612 million ($587.2 million to the United States and $24.8 million to the states). There have been several whistleblower lawsuits filed against Amgen Inc making the whistleblower's share amounts currently undeterminable.
The federal civil settlement agreement encompasses allegations that Amgen: (1) promoted Aranesp and two other drugs that it manufactured, Enbrel and Neulasta, for off-label uses and doses that were not approved by the FDA and not properly reimbursable by federal insurance programs; (2) offered illegal kickbacks to a wide range of entities in an effort to influence health care providers to select its products for use, regardless of whether they were reimbursable by federal health care programs or were medically necessary; and (3) engaged in false price reporting practices involving several of its drugs. As part of the global settlement, Amgen has also agreed to enter into a Corporate Integrity Agreement (CIA) with HHS-OIG that will govern its conduct, and ensure careful oversight of its branding and marketing practices.