A settlement has been reached in a whistleblower class action lawsuit brought against Healthpoint Ltd and DFB Pharmaceuticals. They are accused of causing false claims to be submitted to Medicare and Medicaid for an unapproved drug, Xenaderm, which was ineligible for reimbursement by those programs.
Under the terms of the agreement, Healthpoint and DFB will pay $28 million, plus another $20 million if there is a change in ownership of Healthpoint or DFB over the next three years. Currently there is not an agreement as to the whistleblower's share of the government's recovery.
A whistleblower case was filed in 2002 against Healthpoint Ltd. In January 2011, the United States intervened in, and later filed, a civil False Claims Act case against Healthpoint, alleging that it launched Xenaderm, a prescription skin ointment for the treatment of nursing home patients’ bed sores, without any FDA approval. The complaint alleged that Healthpoint’s business strategy was to market new prescription drug products modeled after drug products that were on the market before October 1962, in order to avoid the time, effort, and expense of obtaining FDA approval. The complaint further alleged that at no time prior to its introduction of Xenaderm into the market did Healthpoint complete any double-blind placebo-controlled clinical studies that established the safety and effectiveness of Xenaderm. In fact, one of Healthpoint’s own clinical researchers expressly conceded in an internal e-mail that the safety and efficacy data for Xenaderm was “cruelly insufficient” to meet FDA standards. Notwithstanding the lack of FDA approval, the government alleges, Healthpoint actively promoted Xenaderm as a prescription drug that, unlike non-prescription skin ointments such as Vaseline, was “Medicaid reimbursed” and thus cost nursing homes nothing to administer to Medicaid patients.
While products containing Xenaderm’s principal active ingredient, trypsin, were on the market prior to 1962, the FDA had determined in the 1970s that trypsin was less-than-effective for its intended use. The government contends that those determinations rendered Xenaderm ineligible for Medicaid and Medicare reimbursement. Nonetheless, the government alleges, Healthpoint misrepresented the regulatory status of Xenaderm when it submitted quarterly reports to the government. As a result, the government contends, Healthpoint knowingly caused false claims to be submitted for Xenaderm.