A settlement has been reached in a whistleblower class action lawsuit brought against Radiotherapy Clinics of Georgia LLC, and its affiliates RCOG Cancer Centers LLC, Physician Oncology Services Management Company LLC, Frank A. Critz, M.D. and Physician Oncology Services L.P. (RCOG). They are accused of billing Medicare for medical treatment that was in excess of those permitted by Medicare rules and for services that were not medically necessary.
The whistleblowers will receive a $646,000 share of the government's recovery.
The initial whistleblower lawsuit was filed in July 2008. The government alleged that RCOG overbilled Medicare for port films (X-ray images of the treatment area) and for simulations (the process by which radiation treatment fields are defined, filmed and marked on the skin in preparation for personalized radiation therapy). Additionally, it was alleged that the practice overbilled Medicare for physics consults (production of complete special consultative reports for an individual patient) and for pre-plans ordered by Dr. Critz that were not medically necessary and/or never reviewed by the doctor.